Technologies used to build these projects include HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Redux, Sinatra, and Ruby on Rails. Hosted on Heroku or github pages.
Super Movie Library
View information about current popular movies. Leave reviews and ratings, save movies to a collection, mark movies as favorite, etc. Built with React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, and Postgres.
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My Pantry
Save grocery items to your virtual pantry and have the app count down how many days until it is estimated to spoil. Built with React, Ruby on Rails, and Postgres.
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Words of Wisdom
Anonymous message board to post advice. Receive random pieces of advice and write new comments or delete old ones. Built with Sinatra, Active Record, and React.
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Breaking Bad Quotes
Displays information about the show and its characters. Save quotes as your favorite and view a list of favorites. Built with React and JSON server.
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Pokemon Team Builder Plus
Browse, search, and add Pokemon to your personal team. Built with HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript.
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